 MSDE소개 교수소개
Engineering Optics
박사 The University of Illinois at Chicago (1993) Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
석사 Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)(1980) M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
학사 Seoul National University (1978) B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
주요 경력
2010-2013 President of Hub Center Council for Engineering Education
2007-2013 Hub Center Director of Innovation Center for Engineering Education (20 universities)
2007-2013 Director of Innovation Center for Engineering Education
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
2010-2013 Director and professor of MSDE program
Seoul National University of Technology
1995-2010 Associate Professor of Mechanical Design and Automation
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
1/2000-12/2001 Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Illinois at Chicago
(Key Scientist for NASA SBIR project: Understanding and Utilizing the
Gravitational Effects on Biotechnology and Material Science)
10/1994- 3/1995 Research Associate, Department of Precision Engineering
Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
3/1980–7/1987 Supervising Piping Stress Analysis Engineer, Hyundai Engineering Co., Inc.
담당 교과목
Energy Studies
Fluid Mechanics
Engineering Optics
주요논문 및 저서
1. J. Kim, S. Synn, S. Cho, and W. Joo, Edge Extraction by an Exponetial Function Considering X_ray Transmission Characteristics, International Journal of Optomechatronics, V5, 136-154 (2011)
2. S. Back, K. Lee, W. Joo, H. Park, S. Ra, Improvement for the Optical Characteristics of a Vision System for Precision Screws Using Ray Tracing Simulation, Korean Societ for Precision Engineering, V 28, No. 9, 1094-1102 (2011)
3. K Park and W Joo, “Numerical Evaluation of a Plastic Lens by couoling injection Moding Analysis with Optical Simulation”, Japaness Journal of Applied Physics V47, No. 11, 8401-8407 (2008)
4. S. Cho, W. Joo, G. Kim, C. Lim, “Intelligent Automated Detection System of Tuberculosis Bacilli by Using their Color Information”, Korean Society of Precision Engineering, V24, No. 11 (2007)
5. C. Moon, S. Choi, W. Joo, G. Kim, “Classification of Surface Defects on Cold Rolled Strip by Tree-structured Neural Network”, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering, A V31, No. 6, 651-658 (2007)
6. C. Kim, W. Joo, S. Choi, and G. Kim, “Classification of Surface Defects on Steel Strip by KNN Classifier”, Korean Society of Precision Engineering, V23, No. 8 (2006)
7. Kun Park and Wonjong Joo, “Optical simulation of a plastic lens reflecting injection molding effects”, SPE ANTEK, 561-565 (2005)
8. M. Kang, W Joo, D. Cha, and B. Kang, “Development of integrated fringe analysis system: For severe noise-ridden interferometric image Analysis”, J of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, B V27, No11, 1534-1541 (2003)
9. D. Shim, B. Kang, D. Cha, and W Joo, “A study on the characteristics of natural convection in a partially opened enclosure with a heat source”, J of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B V24, No. 12, 1588-1595 (2000)
10. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "Intelligent regional phase unwrapping by an integrated expert system", Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) V3783, 302-312 (1999).
11. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "Holographic interferometric flow visualization and flow property calculation by an integrated expert system", Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) and The Visualization Society of Japan (VSJ), International Conference on optical technology and image processing on Fluid, thermal and combustion flow, Yokohama Japan, S2-2-2 (1998).
12. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, “Automated regional phase unwrapping by an integrated expert system”, Proc. of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) V3172, 211-223 (1997).
13. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "Knowledge-based hybrid expert system for automated interferometric data reduction", Optics and Laser in Engineering, Vol. 24, 57-75, (1996)
14. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "Automated interferogram analysis based on an integrated expert system", Applied Optics, Vol.34, No. 32, 7486- 7496 (1995)
15. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, “Effective low-level processing for interferometric image enhancement”, Proc. of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) V2546, 391-400 (1995).
16. Enzi Yu, W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "Use of interferometric directionality for noise reduction", Optical engineering, (1994).
17. W. Joo, “An integrated expert system for automated data reduction in high-speed holographic interferometry”, J. of Korean Society of Precision Engineering, Vol 11, No. 2, 120-133 (1994)
18. W. Joo, ”Effective low-level parallel processing for noise-ridden interferometric image enhancement”, Proc. of Korean Society ofPrecision Engineering, Kwangju, Korea, 249-254 (1994).
19. W. Joo, “Automated fringe analysis: Expert system”, J of Korean Society of Precision Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, 175-183 (1994).
20. W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "An expert system for interferometric data analysis", Proc. of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) V2005, 26-37 (1993).
21. Enzi Yu, W. Joo and S.S. Cha, "Directional smoothing for holographic interferogram reduction", Proc. of Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) V2005, 553-561 (1993).
저널 논문
◾ 컴퓨터비전을 이용한 지중관로의 직경 측정, 한국생산제조학회지, vol.26 No.2 pp.251~256, 2017주원종
◾ Raster scan waveform compensation control for enhancing the orthogonality of images in SEM, MICROSCOPY, vol.62 pp.475~484, 2013주원종
◾ 맘모그램 영상처리를 이용한 종양검출 알고리즘, 한국생산제조시스템학회지, vol.22 No.3 pp.496~503, 2013주원종
◾ Scanning electron microscope image enhancement using spread spectrum through dither signal imposition, JOURNAL OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, vol.60 No.6 pp.367~373, 2011주원종
◾ 광선추적을 이용한 정밀나사 비전검사용 광학계의 결상특성 향상, 한국정밀공학회지, vol.28 No.9 pp.1094~1102, 2011주원종
◾ Edge Extraction by an Exponential Function Considering X-ray Transmission Characteristics, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPTOMECHATRONICS, vol.5 No.2 pp.136~154, 2011주원종
◾ [정책지정과제] 소재, 부품 장비 재직자 Skill-Up 교육, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2019.10.~2020.06.주원종
◾ NFC MR Tank Terminal Feed Project 배관 Surge 검토 용역, (주)글로텍엔지니어링, 2019.02.~2019.11.주원종
◾ 교내 러닝/아이디어 팩토리 개선을 통한 창의 교육 활성화 방안, 산학협력단, 2018.07.~2018.10.주원종
◾ <글쓰기와 의사소통> 표준 커리큘럼 교재 개발 및 운영 방안 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.07.~2018.10.주원종
◾ LPG Tank Farm Project Surge 해석용역, (주)글로텍엔지니어링, 2018.06.~2019.04.주원종
◾ 미래신산업을 주도할 창의·융합형 인재 양성 체계 구축, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2018.03.~2019.02.주원종
◾ 미래 신산업을 선도할 창의적 융합인재 양성, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2018.03.~2019.02.주원종
◾ 2017년 대학의 평생교육체제 지원사업, 미래융합대학, 2017.06.01.~2017.12.31.주원종
◾ 공학교육혁신 B/E/S/T Practice Model 구축, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2017.03.~2018.02.주원종
◾ 컴퓨터비전을 이용한 지중관로 직경측정에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2017.08.주원종
◾ Colon Gas Project Surge 해석, 우성플랜트엔지니어링 주식회사, 2017.02.~2017.05.주원종
◾ PTTLNG 1.5MTPA 증설 프로젝트 / Surge Analysis, (주)포스코건설, 2017.01.~2017.05.주원종
◾ Engineering Services for Surge Analysis for a LNG Receiving Terminal, Tokyo Gas Engineering Solutions Corporation, 2017.01.~2017.09.주원종
◾ LPG Tank Farm Project Surge 해석, (주)글로텍엔지니어링, 2016.11.~2017.02.주원종
◾ EDISON III Surge Analysis, 삼성엔지니어링(주), 2016.08.~2017.04.주원종
◾ 행정박물 3D 정보의 전시 활용을 위한 디스플레이 기술 연구, 국가기록원, 2016.07.~2016.12.주원종
◾ LCO Tank Farm Project Surge 해석 용역, (주)글로텍엔지니어링, 2016.04.~2016.10.주원종
◾ Ca Mau Gas Processing Plant Project/Surge Analysis 용역, (주)포스코엔지니어링, 2015.09.~2017.06.주원종
◾ 융합신기술 기반 K-Innovation Cluster 구축, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2015.03.~2020.02.주원종
◾ 춘천 집단에너지사업 건설공사 발전소 수격현상 연구, 우성플랜트엔지니어링 주식회사, 2015.01.~2016.05.주원종
◾ Phosphoric Acid Plant 중 Surge Analysis 설계용역, (주)한화건설, 2014.12.~2016.09.주원종
◾ 광양 LNG터미널 LPG 저장탱크 EPC 프로젝트/공정 설계용역(Surge Analysis), (주)포스코엔지니어링, 2014.09.~2015.07.주원종
◾ PTT LNG 터미널 2단계 프로젝트/Surge Analysis, (주)포스코엔지니어링, 2014.07.~2017.03.주원종
◾ 2014년도 대학 산학협동교육 지원사업(I-ACE), (재)산학협동재단, 2014.03.~2015.02.주원종
◾ 맘모그램 영상처리를 이용한 종양검출 알고리즘, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.주원종
◾ 안산복합발전사업 상세설계용역, 주식회사 뉴파워텍, 2013.02.~2014.12.주원종
◾ 2단계 공학교육혁신센터지원사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2012.03.~2014.02.주원종
◾ TAKREER RRE Utilities & Offsites(Pkg #3), 삼성엔지니어링(주), 2012.03.~2012.06.주원종
◾ 21세기 사회가 요구하는 융합형 tech+ 인재 양성 사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2012.03.~2014.02.주원종
◾ CW SYSTEM SURGE ANALYSIS, 태성엔지니어링(주), 2010.11.~2010.12.주원종
◾ GAS Phase Vlll Project, 삼성엔지니어링(주), 2010.09.~2010.09.주원종
◾ 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 산학협력 특성화 혁신센터 사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2010.07.~2011.04.주원종
◾ 다학제간 캡스톤디자인.융합교육프로그램 거점센터 사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2010.07.~2011.04.주원종
◾ Surge Analysis 설계 용역, (주)대우건설, 2010.07.~2011.07.주원종
◾ FERTIL Expansion Project(FERTIL-2), 삼성엔지니어링(주), 2010.07.~2013.03.주원종
◾ TAKREER RRE Utilities & Offsites (PKG #3), 삼성엔지니어링(주), 2010.06.~2010.08.주원종
◾ 공학교육혁신센터 거점센터협의회, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2010.04.~2010.06.주원종
기타(학회활동 등)
Full member of ASEE, SPIE, KSPE, and KSME Surge Analysis Specialist

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